Long-Range USB Bluetooth 4.0 Micro Adapter
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Driver (2)
IDDownload TitleDownload LinkPost Date
1163 Long-range USB Bluetooth 4.0 Micro Adapter Software (macOS) 1.00July 15, 2022
Operating System Requirements: macOS 10.12+
Description: macOS software for the Sonnet Long-range USB Bluetooth 4.0 Micro Adapter.

Note: This disk image has been notarized to eliminate a security error message when used on systems running macOS Big Sur or Monterey.
1165 Long-range USB Bluetooth 4.0 Micro Adapter Software (Windows)Apr-08-24
Firmware (0)
Manual (1)
IDDownload TitleDownload LinkPost Date
1164 Long-range USB Bluetooth 4.0 Micro Adapter macOS Quick Start Guide [English]Dec-21-22
FAQ (1)
IDArticle TitlePost Date
1180 USB Bluetooth 4.0 Micro Adapter fails to connect macOS after restart or cold start.Jun-10-24
On macOS 11, the adapter needs to be unplugged and replugged after a restart or cold start. The adapter continues to function normally after sleep.
On macOS 12, the adapter needs to be unplugged and replugged after a restart. The adapter continues to function normally after cold start or sleep.