Allegro USB PCIe
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IDDownload TitleDownload LinkPost Date
250 Allegro Express FW400, Allegro Express USB 2.0, Allegro FW400 PCIe, Allegro FW800 PCIe, Allegro USB PCIe, Tango Express FireWire/USB 2.0, Tango Express FireWire 800/USB 2.0, Tango 800 PCIe, and Tango PCIe Quick Start GuideMay-08-19
FAQ (3)
IDArticle TitlePost Date
394 After waking from sleep, my Macintosh will give me a "Device Removal" error for a USB storage device. Why?Aug-19-09
This is an issue with Mac OS X and all PCIe USB cards connected to a storage device in a Mac Pro or PowerMac G5. This applies to the USB ports in the Sonnet Tango FireWire/USB PCIe, Tango FireWire 800/USB PCIe and Allegro Express USB 2.0 cards. Sonnet has notified Apple, who has declined to address this issue at this time.
756 Do the Sonnet USB 2.0 or USB 3 cards support the Apple SuperDrive?Apr-02-22
None of Sonnet's Cards with USB 2.0 or USB 3 (either Type A or Type C) ports support the Apple SuperDrive. You must use a built-in USB 2.0 or 3.0 port on your Mac.

According to, "The Apple USB SuperDrive is compatible with Mac models from 2008 and later that don't have a built-in optical drive."
817 Storage connected to a USB 3 PCIe card (or Tango combo card) gives an macOS error message upon wake from sleep.May-12-20