Encore/ST G4
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IDArticle TitlePost Date
72 The Crescendo/Encore installer hangs, or crashes the system; occurs most often when run from the Sonnet installer CD.May-12-09
76 Which current Encore/ST G4 processor upgrades include a pre-attached heat sink?May-12-09
77 I purchased an Encore/ST G4 processor upgrade that is just a card; is it less reliable than one with a pre-attached heat sink?May-12-09
169 May I discard my original CPU after installing Sonnet's upgrade cards? May-07-09
171 The speed indicated on the G3 or G4 chip on my Sonnet processor upgrade doesn't seem to match the speed of the upgrade I purchased. What's the story?May-07-09
175 The Crescendo/Encore installer hangs, or crashes the system; occurs most often when run from the Sonnet installer CD while using Mac OS 9.May-07-09
176 Sonnet OS X Installer InstructionsMay-07-09
MAC OS X USERS -- Install Sonnet Firmware Patch
This section describes the installation of software required to support the Encore ZIF, Encore ST, or ST Duet G4 in your computer. Please note you MUST run the Sonnet Firmware Updater before you install this upgrade card. If you do not run the updater, your computer will not operate with the processor upgrade installed.

1) Insert the Sonnet Installer CD into the CD-ROM drive. Double-click the Sonnet Install CD icon. When the Sonnet Install CD window appears, double-click the Mac OS X ONLY folder.

2) Double-click the Sonnet Firmware Updater icon; Mac OS X's built-in Install program will launch. Follow the onscreen directions to complete the installation of the Sonnet Firmware Updater and Sonnet Firmware Remover applications to your Applications folder.

3) Shut down your computer.

4) Press and hold the programmer's button until you hear a long tone; release the button when you hear the tone. Note: programmer's button is the little tiny pinhole on the front of a Quicksilver.
4a. For QuickSilver 2002: While holding the programmer's button, press and hold the 'start-up' button on the front of the Mac. When the Mac starts up, release the start-up button. Continue to hold the programmer's button and when you hear a long tone, release it.

5) Once the startup process is complete and you have logged in (if necessary), go to the Finder and select Applications from the Go menu.

6) Locate Sonnet Firmware Updater, and then double-click its icon to launch the application.

7) When the Sonnet Firmware Updater window appears, click OK.

8) When the Authenticate window appears, enter the Administrator password, and then click OK.

9) When the Wait message appears, DO NOT CLICK OK; just wait. Clicking the OK button will cause the application to quit. After the Wait message disappears, another message will appear indicating that the ROM is being patched. Do not turn the power off; this process may take several minutes.

10) When the message stating that the ROM has been patched appears, click OK. Shut down your computer; you may now install the Encore ZIF, Encore ST or ST Duet processor upgrade card.

Note: After updating your system's firmware with the Sonnet firmware installer, you do not need to install the other software located in the Mac OS X ONLY folder on the Sonnet Installer CD; that software is used for other processor upgrade cards by Sonnet.
204 Mac OS 10.5 "Leopard" shuts down a few seconds into booting after a new installation of the OS.May-07-09
218 The computer's standard startup process takes noticeably longer after upgrading to any Mac OS 9.x system from Mac OS 8.6 or earlier.May-12-09
235 After installing the Encore/ST G4 upgrade card, its speed is reported incorrectly. This occurs using Apple System Profiler (ASP), as well as other third party reporting utilities such as Xbench, Tech Tool, and others.May-12-09
Encore/ST G4 upgrade cards use processor chips from Freescale Semiconductor (formerly a division of Motorola). Currently, ASP and third party reporting utilities may not accurately calculate the bus multiplier used on some Encore/ST cards to achieve the processor\u8217 s rated speed. Because of this shortcoming, the utilities may report a processor speed of 0 MHz, or simply miscalculate the multiplier and come up with a number, for example, such as 667 MHz.

Mac OS 9 Users:
Use the latest version of Sonnet\u8217 s Metronome utility. It has been updated to accurately report the processor speed of the Encore/ST G4 upgrade card.

Mac OS X Users:
Update your system with the latest version of SonnetCache. It enables Apple System Profiler to accurately report the Encore/ST G4 upgrade card's speed.
236 After installing an Encore/ST G4 processor upgrade into my Power Mac G4 computer or upgrading to Final Cut Pro 4.0 (or later), a message stating, �The required hardware could not be found,� appears when I attempt to launch the application.May-12-09
237 After installing an Encore/ST processor card into my computer, it won't boot or it is very unstable.Aug-06-09
Several factors may contribute to cause your upgraded system to not boot, or to have unstable operation. These include Power Mac firmware issues, incompatible PCI adapter card firmware, or an incompatible machine-specific version of Mac OS 9 may be installed. For more information, read the solutions below.

1) Update your computer's firmware.
If your computer is a Power Mac G4 (AGP Graphics), Power Mac G4 (Gigabit Ethernet) or Power Mac G4 (Digital Audio) machine, you must make sure the firmware is up to date at v4.2.8. With the processor upgrade card installed, outdated firmware can prevent the computer from booting up, or cause instability during operation. QuickSilver models already have up-to-date firmware, and should not be affected by this issue. For information on identifying your computer's model, as well as how to update firmware, refer to the quick start guide included with your Encore/ST.

2) Update the firmware of any PCI adapter card installed in your system.
Certain older PCI video cards (for a second monitor perhaps) may have outdated firmware on them that is incompatible with the new G4 chip. SCSI cards with outdated firmware and/or software are also likely candidates. To resolve the issue, you should reinstall the original processor, download any software necessary to update the PCI cards' firmware, update the firmware, and then install the Encore/ST card again.

3) Reinstall Mac OS 9.
Do the problems occur only when the system is booted in OS 9? If so, and the problems don't occur in OS X, how was the OS installed? It's possible to use installation CDs from a later machine to install OS 9 to an earlier machine. Doing so may result in the wrong ROM file being installed on the older computer; this will cause instability with the new G4 chip. If this is the case, you should reinstall Mac OS 9 from either the system's original CDs, or from a retail version of Mac OS 9, and then update the OS to 9.2.2.

4) Run the Crescendo/Encore Installer (only applies to Encore/ST G4 1.7GHz upgrade users).
Due to issues that arise from the use of recent-vintage processor chips in older systems, your computer's up-to-date firmware must be patched to make it compatible with the Encore/ST G4 1.7GHz processor card. You MUST run the Crescendo/Encore Installer before you install this Encore/ST G4 card. If you do not run the installer, your computer will not operate with the processor upgrade installed.