Tempo ATA100
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Driver (0)
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Firmware (1)
IDDownload TitleDownload LinkPost Date
438 Tempo ATA100 Firmware Updater (Mac OS 8.1-9.2, OS X 10.2) 4.0Aug-07-2009
Operating System Requirements: Mac OS 8.1-9.2, Mac OS X 10.1-10.4
Description: This version addresses compatibility issues related to some hard drives with 8MB buffers.
Known Issues: In OS X Apple System Profiler, drive volumes are not reported.
Note: Before proceeding with the firmware update, you must ensure your system is NOT booted in Mac OS X, nor Mac OS X Classic mode; this updater will only function in Mac OS 8.1 through OS 9.2. After expanding the .sit file, double-click the Tempo ATA100 Firmware 4.0 icon. Click Continue, then click Update Firmware. Once the update is complete, a dialog will appear stating that the firmware was updated successfully; quit the application, then select Restart from the Apple menu for the changes to take effect.
Manual (1)
IDDownload TitleDownload LinkPost Date
324 Tempo ATA100 PCI Host Adapter Card User's GuideMay-08-19
Installation instructions for installing the Sonnet Tempo ATA100 PCI Host Adapter Card into a supported Mac computer.
FAQ (2)