| Some Mac clones andPower Macintosh computers do not have onboard video, but instead use a separate video card (ATI XClaim 3D, ATI Mach 64, IX Micro Twin Turbo, or IX Micro Ultimate Rez) installed in a PCI slot. These cards are anywhere from 4-6 years old and have not had software or firmware updates in several years. The lack of updated firmware and software, when combined with the G4 chips used on these high-speed upgrades, result in this instability.
Solution 1: If your system is running Mac OS 9.x, turn off the video card's extensions in the Extensions Manager Control Panel.
Solution 2: Replace the video card with one that has current software/firmware or with an older video card compatible with these systems such as the ATI Radeon Mac edition and the ATI Radeon 7000 Mac edition. |