| The processor card may be overheating. When the Encore/ZIF is installed and the heat sink attached, thermal grease on the processor contacts the bottom of the heat sink to transfer heat. When the card cools after operation and the heat sink is removed, the thermal grease can come off with the heat sink, making it difficult to reestablish an effective thermal bond when the computer is put back together.
Before reinstalling the processor, or installing it into another machine, you must remove the residual thermal grease off both the processor die and the heat sink, and apply a new layer to the processor die. Thermal grease may be purchased at most electronic stores; Radio Shack, for example, carries a product called Heat Sink Grease (online catalog #276-1372)
To remove the residual grease, simply apply some rubbing alcohol to a lint free wipe and carefully clean the remaining material from both the processor area of the Encore/ZIF card and the heat sink\u8217 s bottom surface. Once clean, you can apply more thermal grease to the processor die. Apply a smooth, thin layer of the material to the center section of the processor die, making sure it covers the entire area. Take special care that the material is consistently smooth across the surface of the processor die. Repeat this process each and ever time the heat sink is removed from the Encore/ZIF card. |