Fusion D800P2
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IDArticle TitlePost Date
120 How do I set up a RAID 0 striped array under Windows XP Professional or Vista?Mar-23-10
121 Can I set up a RAID 1 mirrored array under Windows XP or Vista?Mar-23-10
No. RAID 1 mirroring is only supported under Windows Server, not Windows XP or Vista.
138 Unable to format hard drives after moving a Fusion storage system from a Mac to Windows computer.Mar-23-10
If you move your Fusion storage system from a Mac to a Windows computer system and try to format the disk using the Computer Management Console in Windows, the disk will show up as a GPT Protective Partition with no way to format it.

To properly format the disk, follow these steps:

1) Open a Command window (Start > Run > cmd), then start.
2) List your disks with list disk, then select the appropriate one with select disk X (with X the number of your disk as seen in the listing).
3) Issue a clean all command to erase all information on the disk. At this point you may be able to use the disk again from the management console;if not, continue with a create partition primary.
387 How do I replace a failed drive under warranty if I'm in a sensitive/classified environment and can't send the old one back?Mar-23-10
450 My storage shows 10% more capacity under OS X 10.6 than under OS X 10.5. Why?Mar-24-10
With Snow Leopard (10.6), Apple adopted the standard usage of terabyte (TB) which equals 1,000,000,000,000 bytes = 10-to-the-12th bytes. Hard drive manufacturers have always specified drive capacity with standard usage which will now match what Mac OS X reports.

WIth Leopard (10.5) and previous versions of Mac OS X, Apple used the binary interpretation of terabyte, (technically a tebibyte) = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes = 2-to-the-40th bytes. Windows also uses binary interpretation.

Under Snow Leopard, drive capacity will be shown per drive specifications. For example, under OS X 10.6, a 1TB drive will appear as a 1000 GB capacity drive (but under OS X 10.5 as a 909 GB capacity drive). For additional information see support.apple.com/kb/TS2419.

What does this mean in real terms? Do I get an immediate increase in storage space?
Formatting or actual capacity does not change at all, only the reported capacity because of the change from base-2 to base-10.

Should I reformat the drives before attempting to plug in a previously 10.5 formatted unit into a 10.6 machine or vice versa?
Reformatting is not necessary at all.

What happens if I plug a 10.6 formatted unit into a 10.5 machine or vice versa?
The volume is seen normally. It is completely compatible and can be transparently moved back and forth.
459 The performance of my drive array is significantly less than I expect.Jun-14-11