Installation instructions for installing the Sonnet Tempo-X eSATA 8 8-Port Serial ATA PCI-X Host Adapter Card into a supported Mac or Windows computer.
This condition occurs when the System Preferences Energy Saver Put the hard disk(s) to sleep when possible checkbox is checked (on), or the Disk Sleep Timer is enabled; the Tempo-X SATA card using firmware version 1.2 does not support disk sleep.
To correct this issue, update the Tempo-X card's firmware to version 2.0 or later. Download and run the installer to add disk sleep support.
Under Mac OS X 10.3 and 10.4, a volume greater than 2TB will show as a 2TB volume due to a limitation in Apple's ATA layer (just above the driver). Sonnet plans to provide a 10.4 fix in the next driver release. Under Mac OS X 10.5 and 10.6, the full capacity of the RAID volume is available.