ID | | Article Title | Post Date |
82 |
| Will my HARMONi upgrade recognize any DIMM? | May-12-09 |
169 |
| May I discard my original CPU after installing Sonnet's upgrade cards?
| May-07-09 |
| Sonnet recommends that you keep the original processor card even after installing our upgrade cards in case you ever need them. |
171 |
| The speed indicated on the G3 or G4 chip on my Sonnet processor upgrade doesn't seem to match the speed of the upgrade I purchased. What's the story? | May-07-09 |
218 |
| The computer's standard startup process takes noticeably longer after upgrading to any Mac OS 9.x system from Mac OS 8.6 or earlier. | May-12-09 |
245 |
| The FireWire port on HARMONi-upgraded iMac computers is disabled. Also, Apple System Profiler reports machine speed as "66 MHz" after installation. | Jun-24-09 |
246 |
| Although the installed processor upgrade card works properly, devices connected to the FireWire port of the HARMONi upgrade cannot be used. | Jun-24-09 |
| Issue 1: Driver software is required for FireWire support under every version of Mac OS; without the necessary drivers installed in your system, FireWire devices can't be used. If your system is running Mac OS prior to version 9.2.x, Mac OS FireWire driver software must usually be installed separately.
Issue 2: Many devices require additional drivers and application software to operate or have full functionality.
Solution for Issue 1: If your iMac is running Mac OS 8.6 or 9.0.x, you must download and install the necessary drivers; click here and choose the appropriate software. If you installed Mac OS 9.1 prior to installing the HARMONi upgrade, you must run the Mac OS 9.1 Install or Upgrade application again to install the Mac OS FireWire drivers. Refer to the Quick Start Guide included with your HARMONi upgrade for detailed instructions.
Solution for Issue 2: Install the device-specific FireWire driver. Software should have been included with the device, or should be available to download from the manufacturer's web site. Check the device's user guide for information about necessary software. |