Fusion RX1600Fibre
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Driver (2)
Firmware (1)
IDDownload TitleDownload LinkPost Date
530 Fusion RX1600Fibre Firmware 4.05Mar-28-2012
Operating System Requirements: Mac OS X Server 10.5+, Windows Vista (32-bit), Windows Vista (64-bit), Windows 7 (32-bit), Windows 7 (64-bit), Windows Server 2003 (64-bit), Windows Server 2008 (32-bit), Windows Server 2008 (64-bit)
Description: This version changes the default interleave size to 256KB when creating new RAID groups, changes the default Fibre Channel connection mode to PTP Preferred, and adds various bug fixes. Note that after updating your system's firmware you should check existing setups to ensure that Fibre Channel HBA connectivity has not been disrupted by the new settings.
Note: Refer to page 49 of the Sonnet Web Management Tool User's Guide for instructions on how to update the firmware.
Manual (2)
FAQ (5)
IDArticle TitlePost Date
410 Which fibre switches does Sonnet recommend for the R1600FIBRE?Sep-29-09
445 What is the default drive timeout in Fusion RAID systems? Should I change it?Mar-24-10
450 My storage shows 10% more capacity under OS X 10.6 than under OS X 10.5. Why?Mar-24-10
With Snow Leopard (10.6), Apple adopted the standard usage of terabyte (TB) which equals 1,000,000,000,000 bytes = 10-to-the-12th bytes. Hard drive manufacturers have always specified drive capacity with standard usage which will now match what Mac OS X reports.

WIth Leopard (10.5) and previous versions of Mac OS X, Apple used the binary interpretation of terabyte, (technically a tebibyte) = 1,099,511,627,776 bytes = 2-to-the-40th bytes. Windows also uses binary interpretation.

Under Snow Leopard, drive capacity will be shown per drive specifications. For example, under OS X 10.6, a 1TB drive will appear as a 1000 GB capacity drive (but under OS X 10.5 as a 909 GB capacity drive). For additional information see support.apple.com/kb/TS2419.

What does this mean in real terms? Do I get an immediate increase in storage space?
Formatting or actual capacity does not change at all, only the reported capacity because of the change from base-2 to base-10.

Should I reformat the drives before attempting to plug in a previously 10.5 formatted unit into a 10.6 machine or vice versa?
Reformatting is not necessary at all.

What happens if I plug a 10.6 formatted unit into a 10.5 machine or vice versa?
The volume is seen normally. It is completely compatible and can be transparently moved back and forth.
719 My performance is lower than I expected. Does the drive order matter?Nov-02-12
738 What kind of fibre patch cables are needed for the Sonnet Fibre Channel controllers?Mar-29-13