Fusion RX1600Fibre
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Driver (2)
Firmware (1)
IDDownload TitleDownload LinkPost Date
530 Fusion RX1600Fibre Firmware 4.05Mar-28-2012
Manual (2)
IDDownload TitleDownload LinkPost Date
461 Sonnet Web Management Tool User's Guide [English]May-08-19
560 Fusion RX1600Fibre Fibre-for-4 Quick Start Guide (Mac)May-08-19
FAQ (5)
IDArticle TitlePost Date
410 Which fibre switches does Sonnet recommend for the R1600FIBRE?Sep-29-09
445 What is the default drive timeout in Fusion RAID systems? Should I change it?Mar-24-10
450 My storage shows 10% more capacity under OS X 10.6 than under OS X 10.5. Why?Mar-24-10
719 My performance is lower than I expected. Does the drive order matter?Nov-02-12
In a 16-drive Fusion chassis, Sonnet formats, tests, and builds a RAID at the factory, then removes and numbers (as of Nov 2012) the drives for safe shipping. It is important to install the drives in the numbered order left-to-right. If you don't do this, the performance will suffer because the drive sequence gets scrambled through the SAS expanders to the RAID engine.

If you used the original RAID group built by Sonnet which did not have numbered drives or which numbered drives were not installed in sequential order, then back up your data, delete the RAID group and build a new RAID and your performance will improve.

This note does not apply to the DX800RAID.
738 What kind of fibre patch cables are needed for the Sonnet Fibre Channel controllers?Mar-29-13