| While this new G4 upgrade supports virtually all clones, some PowerTower Pros have a second, very different motherboard design. The problematic version of the motherboard appears to be very rare, based on Sonnet's sales history and the number of related calls. Nevertheless, the Crescendo/PCI G4 700 and 800 are not currently compatible with this version. You can read the entire description, complete with diagram, at:
Regarding PCI video cards, most of the Power Computing clones, as well as a couple of the Apple PowerPCs do not have onboard video, and may have come with certain cards (IX Micro Twin Turbo, IX Micro Ultimate Rez, ATI XClaim 3D, and the ATI Mach 64) installed that are not compatible. These cards are legacy video cards and have not had software or firmware updates in several years. The lack of updated software/firmware, combined with the technology of the G4 chips used in these processor upgrades, results in various video anomalies. Because the problems reside in these cards' drivers, a resolution is not expected, and an alternative video solution is required. Recommended cards compatible with these processor upgrade cards include the ATI Radeon 7000 Mac edition. |